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Assessment Timeline (placeholder image)

Graphic of Humboldt's Assessment Timeline

Assessment at Humboldt

The work of assessment endeavors to answer a simple question: Is what we’re doing working?

This applies to institutional concerns, such as how well the university is fulfilling its mission and implementing its strategic plan, and to the paramount concern of how well our students are learning in the classroom.

Faculty, staff, and administrators are in involved in assessment activities at all levels across the institution. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness supports these activities by working with faculty and staff to develop strategies to measure student learning outcomes and by working with staff and administrators in their efforts at ongoing improvement of Co-Curricular programs, Administrative departments, and the services they provide. We oversee a campus-wide integrated assessment model that supports student learning, organizational planning and decision making, and resource allocation.


Latest Academic
Assessment Accolades

Latest Co-Curricular
and Operational Assessment Accolades

Latest Department receiving AccoladesLatest Department receiving Accolades

Prior accolades here[hyperlink to accolades page]!

Prior accolades here[hyperlink to accolades page]!



Looking for resources to help with Academic Assessment and Program Review? Click here!

Looking for resources to help with 
Co-Curricular and Operational Assessment and Program Review? Click here!

assessment loop